Ashley Perich

Once Andrew Pierce and Ashley Hudson met at their church in Hamburg they were certain that there was no turning back. Ashley, who was seventeen at the time, and had never been in previously had a romantic relationship, took the time to get acquainted. The couple were instantly in love. Andrew asked God to do one last thing during New Year's Day just before the year ended, which was that Ashley said yes to marrying him. Ashley had always wanted an all-wooden wedding to symbolize Andrew and her. The wedding consisted of the many things they love. Ashley was born on 40 acres. They walked from the path across the fields the couple said I do in. Ashley had explored and played on all of it. Andrew and Ashley were also at several times since they started dating. The importance of personalization was that they did a lot of the work themselves. Andrew Ashley's father and Andrew designed the ceremony arch and the seating arrangements, and Ashley did a great deal of designing and painting. Ashley states that we could have never had the magic wedding I envisioned if we hadn't had Anna's flower design. Truly breathtaking.

 Ashley Nicolle Wallace  Ashley Perich  Ashley  a  s Perich  Ashley f h  Perich


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